I have done a very poor job of keeping a record of our lives this year, and this has been an eventful year. We have been without my dad for one month now, and God has a way of keeping life moving along, especially with kids in the house. We have cried a lot, but we have also enjoyed our family more, I believe, after seeing first hand how fragile life is. I have been personally inspired to be a kinder, gentler person.
Here are some glimpses of our lives the past month or so. We enjoyed "trick or treating" in our neighborhood this year, Tucker turning 5, and Lauren turning 12. We are loving the toddler stage of the little ones, but my, how fast they can destroy the house! :D It seems the days are getting easier with 6, and we have a rhythm with school. I love, love teaching piano lessons and look forward to it each day. Robb has been busy with Christmas lights this past month...God is so good. We do pray each day for strength for all that needs to be done. We are seeing areas of discipline that need refining, as well as potty training in the very near future!!
As I think about Christmas coming and how busy we can make it, the thought that is on my mind is "Do Less...Be More" . I want to truly enjoy it and not become stressed with what is to be a time of reflection and adoration.
Blessings to you all this December!
Enjoyed your pictures of your beautiful family! Trust you and yours enjoy a very blessed Christmas!!
Loved all these pictures and love the kids in them even more! Your line about "forget not" is so good and inspiring to pause to remember.
beautiful pics! i think of you all often and the loss you are feeling..
i've been thinking the last couple of days how much easier it is to "do" than it is to "be"...i'm working on that too!
and...you've made me think maybe i should try my hand at piano-teaching this next year...i've had quite a few requests, but i've been too uninterested/busy/lazy/scared? to try it...we'll see...:)
Thanks, friends, for your sweet words. I hope December is a wonderful month for you!
Kimber, just had to say that you really should try teaching piano. It is so, so fun to see kids "get it", and such a great way to work right from your home. I think you would find it a good fit with your caretaking. You would be awesome!! :D I'd send my kids to you if you lived here!
Love you all!
Thanks so much for your very kind note on my blog! My heart aches for you during this time! And yes, I'd love to sit and chat as well!! Blessings to you!!
Thanks for the update. You write such sweet thoughts. I do pray that God will continue to bless you. Love Always - ames
Good day, sun shines!
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nice one here
i like the photos and your blog.
keep it up!
I don't know you. I actually pressed "next blog" and found yours. It's lovely.
4 cool boys !!
nice blog
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