Thursday, January 22, 2009


This is for every woman who is choosing to raise a child over other options.

I could have more time,
more house,
more room.
but I choose you.

I could have more money,
more things,
more dinners out…
I choose you.

I could have more me-time,
more sleep,
more freedom;
I choose you.

I could have less mess,
less cooking,
less laundry;
I choose you.

I could have less school,
less PBS,
less PB and J;
I choose you.

But because of you,
I have MORE.
More love,
more memories,
more smiles,
more delight,
more tenderness,
more patience,
more joy,
more faith.

I have no doubt it is a good choice.

Years ago, our MOPS director gave us this format to write our own poem and this is what I wrote. I only had three children then, but it is still so true and has only doubled in its meaning. :)


jenny said...

That is so good, every single true. I'm going to print that one out for over the kitchen sink!

Kim M. said...

Absolutely beautiful!

J Luck said...

Love it! I needed this so much this weekend, thanks for sharing it.

Mary Ellen said...

Oh MAN - you wrote that!!?!?? I copied it to my blog thinking you just must not know the author, I had no clue it was YOU - I gave you the credit for where I read it but now I'm going to go back and give you credit for who WROTE it. You said so much in that one, short poem - beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That is so beautiful! And the way your kids pictures were lined up on the side while scrolling down through it was just precious! Blessings to you and your beautiful family!

SheilaDy said...

Julie, that was beautiful!! I didn't know you had it in you!