Friday, January 25, 2008

Cheaper by the Half Dozen? Probably not, but lots more fun for sure!

Dear friends and family,

Whew! We wanted to share our news with you, but first I need to say that I never expected to be writing a blog like this! Despite our best efforts, God has chosen to bless us with yet another French baby! We are shocked and amazed, yet choosing to find joy and excitement in this crazy journey! We know lots of hard work, sleepless nights, and draining days await us, yet God gives very good gifts (and we love what He has given us thus far!). Excitement is growing around here (when we first told the kids, they simply stared at us) and it is unanimous that we think someone dressed in pink would be cute around here, after all of this blue. But, we will gratefully accept any gift God has for us. The funniest response they had was saying that "now" we would have a large family!

We don't pretend to understand why God has chosen to bless us this way when there are others longing to have children. I do know that it is not because we are worthy, or capable. I know God's gifts come in different packages and for this reason, I welcome each child with open arms.

I was recently reading an article by Barbara Rainey on large families, and the question was asked of her,"How has having a large family affected your life?" She replied, "Well, I am tired a lot."

I suppose we will be tired a lot too....and blessed.

With love,
The French gang

The little bundle should arrive sometime in August...the Dr. will confirm the date on Tuesday.


SheilaDy said...

Congratulations!!! Again, I am pulling for Lauren to get a long-awaited sister!

Love you all!

Tara said...

Oh, Congratulations Julie! I "hear" the shock in your tone, but I know that excitement will continue to mount. The more you think of that sweet baby smell, and delicious little chubby cheeks, you won't be able to wait till the big day! There's just nothing like those little "surprise" babies. I'm a little jealous, now that I think of it! :)

I hope you're feeling well, and get a good report on Tuesday. Take care of yourself!

Kimberly said...

Congratulations...and I will jump onto the "girls" team:) (will have no effect, i'm afraid!:) Your kid's reactions are too cute!!
Blessings in the months ahead...and I also say "take care of yourself!! Love to ALL!

Mary Ellen said...

Congratulations to all of you! I think that is great - you are obviously such wonderful parents and each child added to your family is blessed.

I know large families are mainly a thing of the past but I love them. If we had married younger and started having children earlier I've said many times I would love to have had six...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I was so excited to find your website and then to hear the fun news. Dom was the one who led me to your page through Sheila's page. So fun to hear about your life.

Love you,
Amy Lane

Cher said...

Congratulations Julie! I have to tell you what I told Aaron the night we were all leaving Sheila's a couple weeks ago. I said, "If anyone is going to have a large family, it should be people like Robb and Julie." We were very impressed! You have such well behaved children, you handle each one of them with such love and care! You both are wonderful parents and I am so happy for you!
Love ya,

jenny said...

Amen to Tara on the feeling a little jealous...and Amen to Cherilyn on what wonderful parents you is always a joy to watch you interact with each of your children.

MEGA congrats to all of you...and of course, we (well, Maddie and I) are rooting for Lauren. We definitely could use a few more female cousins around.

I thought this post was beautifully written...print this one out for the scrapbook.

All our love...and excited to share the journey with you.

Prayers for a healthy, rest-full, and relatively sick-free pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Robb & Julie! That is such exciting news. I hope you get another girl, but either way, I'm sure they will be loved.

It was so fun to run across your blog a couple months ago. I am just getting my blogger account up so am just now posting.

Tara said...

Just wondering how your Dr appt. went last week. Hope you're doing well. Looking forward to an update when you feel up to it! :)