Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is life fair? From children's perspective...

The other day, Lauren had an assignment to write an editorial. She was having trouble thinking of something she was passionate about. One of the boys spoke up (this happens often during our school day) and asked her if she thought anything was unfair (We don't really use the word "unfair" in our home, but I let it pass this time). This sparked a discussion of what our children felt was "not fair" in their lives:

  • parents getting to stay up as late as they wanted
  • parents watching being on the computer as much as they wanted
  • parents eating whenever they wanted
  • parents not having to do schoolwork

Then I asked them what they got to do that parents do not get to do. This got them thinking and these were their responses:

  • parents have to pay more money
  • parents have to do lots of chores
  • parents have to change diapers
  • parents do not have time to do sports
  • parents have to work while they play
  • parents have to clean up Preston's messes :D

They all decided that being a kid was not so bad...it makes me think of the country song that talks about all the stages of a life:

"You're going to miss this...You're going to want this back...You're going to wish these days hadn't gone by so fast...These are some good times, so take a good look around...You may not know it now, but you're going to miss this."

This little moment of talking taught us all a lesson and makes me want to enjoy all these things that make up my days; not always pleasant, but God-given and here for a season.


Kim M. said...

Hey, that is great!

cheriepasbjerg said...

Lovely! Miss you Jules!

jenny said...

Great lesson...your last line hits home to this mama as well!